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GoStudent Learning

Unlock Your Potential: Explore GoStudent Learning - Your Ultimate Companion for Academic Success!

What is GoStudent Learning?

GoStudent Learning is our revision content platform, which provides thousands of revision resources for the majority of subjects in your curriculum. When combined with our 1:1 lessons, it’s proven to help students remember their course content better. 

With GoStudent Learning, you have access to:

  • Personally tailored learning and revision content
  • Quizzes, practice questions, mock exams and progress tracking
  • Homework material designed to build effective learning habits between lessons
  • Amelia, our AI 
  • chatbot, who can help with subject-related questions

Take a look at the video below to learn more! 


How do Amelia and mock exams work?

Amelia is an AI-powered chatbot designed to answer questions about any subject you're studying. She's knowledgeable about the course curriculum and can recommend study methods, and her responses are targeted to your year group. Amelia is also able to explain where you went wrong in your mock exam answers. You can find Amelia within each course by clicking 'Ask Amelia' on the left-hand sidebar, and will receive instant answers and clarifications.

Mock Exams: Practice and boost your confidence with our mini mock exams, which replicate real-life exams under timed conditions. You can access them by clicking Exam Prep on the left-hand sidebar, selecting your preferred topics and hitting ""Let's go!"" to start answering the questions. Our AI will mark the questions and give you your score. You can also self-mark against a rubric for questions the AI couldn't grade.


How do I access my account?

If you have an active membership, you can access GoStudent Learning through the Dashboard without needing to set up a new account. On the left hand side of the Dashboard, you will find the "GoStudent Learning" section.

Alternatively, you can use this link and you will be redirected to GoStudent Learning:


How do I activate my GoStudent Learning membership?

You can activate GoStudent Learning by heading to the "Membership" section in your Dashboard: click on "GoStudent Learning", then click on "ACTIVATE" and follow the instructions. 

Once you have completed the activation, your GoStudent Learning subscription will be automatically renewed every month.


Can I pause my GoStudent Learning membership?

If you're taking a short break from working towards your learning goals, you can pause your GoStudent Learning subscription at any time - it is easy for you to reactivate later.

Head to the "Membership" section in your Dashboard, click on "GoStudent Learning", then click on "CANCEL".

Once you have completed the cancellation process, you should be able to see "(Inactive)" or the message "Your subscription to GoStudent Learning is currently inactive" next to "Next Payment".  

You can reactivate GoStudent Learning at any time - simply head to the "Membership" section in your Dashboard."


How do I deactivate my GoStudent Learning membership?

If you no longer want to have access to thousands of revision and homework resources for subjects on your curriculum, you can deactivate your GoStudent Learning subscription by going to the “membership" section in your Dashboard, clicking on “GoStudent Learning", then clicking “CANCEL".

Once you have completed the cancellation process, you should be able to see "Inactive" or the message "Your subscription to GoStudent Learning is currently inactive" next to "Next Payment".

You can reactivate GoStudent Learning at any time - simply head to the "Membership" section in your Dashboard.


When is the monthly charge for my GoStudent Learning subscription taking place?

You can check when the next payment for GoStudent Learning is scheduled by heading to the "Membership" section in your Dashboard.

Under "GoStudent Learning" you will see when the next charge will be deducted from your payment method of choice.


What payment method will be charged for the GoStudent Learning subscription?

The same payment method that you are currently using to pay for your GoStudent tutoring subscription will be charged for your GoStudent Learning subscription.


Can I use a different payment method for GoStudent Learning?

It's not possible to use different payment methods for the two types of subscriptions at the moment.

However, is possible to change the payment method you use for your GoStudent tutoring subscription.

The change will consequently also apply to GoStudent Learning payments  - please check this article to learn how to change your payment method.